here is a combination of a report of the happenings and also of my aussie feature of the week.
last few days have been quite busy and mainly due to preparing my safari trip. so monday and tuesday had been fairly normal days but on wednesday i packed up everything that goes on safari in my safari bag and also all the rest was stored into my CCM bag because right after safari i change host families....
wednesday afternoon i went to pacific palms and visited john morris from my rotary club. he showed me around pacific palms and told me this story here about a beach and this is my aussie feature of the week:
a beach in pacific palms is called blueys beach and this supposedly is because once a cow had been on a patch of grass and then had tripped over a small cliff and fell into the water. the cow was called bluey so thats what they called the beach. here is a picture of it:
the beach that i can see on the left in the back is blueys...
i stayed at johns house for the night and then in the morning i caught the bus to school. then today at school we had the RYDA day. this is a program called rotary youth driving awareness day where people from rotary organise special activities to demonstrate different things like showing braking distances and listening to real life stories that happened to other people. it was really impressive and revealed facts that are very useful to know.
then i went to johns barbeques galore store where we booked my return flight. i will return on the 13th of january at about 7:15 in the morning i think.
and now of course tomorrow i am getting picked up by a guy from valeries rotary club and then he will take us to port macquarie where i stay at the place i have stayed before with jan and bob. and then saturday safari starts :-) ..
well thats about it i will blog again when i get a chance to so hear from ya when i hear from ya aye!