Monday 22 June 2009

hey everyone...

i just got back from my safari yesterday and i am fine but still very tired....i will tell you all about it in the next few days!
tonight is also a very important night in rotary.....changeover which means all the functions that people had president and so on....

anyways stay tuned in the next few days when i will tell you all the action and happenings on safari....well not all but some :-)


  1. Ja nicht zuviel verraten!!!O&O

  2. heya... i bi hoffentlich am drei deheim... i gib vollgas, muess no vorher öppis erledige. bis gli ;-), und ich quetsch di denn also glich us ;-)

    lueg mol uf min blog, do hets e hammer brief vo dr smilla... vilicht chasch öppis entziffere... ;-)
