Wednesday, 25 February 2009
so here's the promised post
last week the weather finally changed and on the weekend it was nice beachy weather. on saturday i went to a guy from the rotary club. his name is john daniells and he is a locksmith. when i arrived at his house at 11 he was just beginning to work on the rotary trailer. the rotary trailer is pretty small and has advertising on its sides and there are some things from rotary in it. in forster rotary offers a car market which means that if you want to sell your car or boat or whatever you can park it somewhere with loads of other cars so instead of waiting for someone to see you vehicle at your place you park it there. the trailer has advertising for that on it but the car market changed location so we had to remove the old advertising and put on the new one. john has a sign writing machine so we designed the new labels and put them on after taking the old ones of. this took quite while so in the evening his son came home. he was paint balling for the day with some mates. we watched a movie and the next day at noon steve picked me up. they said that the wedding had been good.
on sunday i went to the beach with matty and did like two hours of body boarding. the waves were alright but nothing special...
on monday it was rotary night and we ate at the coastal patrol rescue. it's not like a lighthouse it's not as thin but also not as high.... there we ate barby and had a great desert : apple crisp, yummmy!!
i took some really nice pictures of the harbour at night with my mobile but i dont have a cable to upload them so that will have to wait...
on tuesday it was photo day at school and everyone had to make a picture and i thought that you would also make a group picture but unfortunately the group photo is just put together from all the singles. i ordered the group and some single photos and i'll post them as soon as i get them. then in the evening i went to my first soccer practice and it was really good. i already knew like seven players from school so it wasn't hard getting into it. in march the pre-season program starts and we play games all over the place. on the 28th we play in coffs harbour which is like 3.5 hours away. we're going with a bus.
today i went to school for two hours and i'm seriously asking myself if it is worth going on wednesdays.... it's matty's soccer practice tonight so i will go drop him off and then go chipping a bit with steve.... this weekend two of my mates from school will start teaching me how to surf. i'm really looking forward to that!!
last week the weather finally changed and on the weekend it was nice beachy weather. on saturday i went to a guy from the rotary club. his name is john daniells and he is a locksmith. when i arrived at his house at 11 he was just beginning to work on the rotary trailer. the rotary trailer is pretty small and has advertising on its sides and there are some things from rotary in it. in forster rotary offers a car market which means that if you want to sell your car or boat or whatever you can park it somewhere with loads of other cars so instead of waiting for someone to see you vehicle at your place you park it there. the trailer has advertising for that on it but the car market changed location so we had to remove the old advertising and put on the new one. john has a sign writing machine so we designed the new labels and put them on after taking the old ones of. this took quite while so in the evening his son came home. he was paint balling for the day with some mates. we watched a movie and the next day at noon steve picked me up. they said that the wedding had been good.
on sunday i went to the beach with matty and did like two hours of body boarding. the waves were alright but nothing special...
on monday it was rotary night and we ate at the coastal patrol rescue. it's not like a lighthouse it's not as thin but also not as high.... there we ate barby and had a great desert : apple crisp, yummmy!!
i took some really nice pictures of the harbour at night with my mobile but i dont have a cable to upload them so that will have to wait...
on tuesday it was photo day at school and everyone had to make a picture and i thought that you would also make a group picture but unfortunately the group photo is just put together from all the singles. i ordered the group and some single photos and i'll post them as soon as i get them. then in the evening i went to my first soccer practice and it was really good. i already knew like seven players from school so it wasn't hard getting into it. in march the pre-season program starts and we play games all over the place. on the 28th we play in coffs harbour which is like 3.5 hours away. we're going with a bus.
today i went to school for two hours and i'm seriously asking myself if it is worth going on wednesdays.... it's matty's soccer practice tonight so i will go drop him off and then go chipping a bit with steve.... this weekend two of my mates from school will start teaching me how to surf. i'm really looking forward to that!!
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
hi guys
just very shortly i will write more tomorrow and tell you about the weekend and soccer practice and everything.....just so much
today it was photo day at school and i had my first soccer practice....
a selfmade joke that will be more funny to some and less to others:
what are the last words of a guy at the customs at an airport who is speaking to a mate on his cell?
answer:yeah i agree that party was the bomb!
like i said some might be able to relate it to something that happened to me....right you'll hear from me later on tomorrow
see ya folks!
just very shortly i will write more tomorrow and tell you about the weekend and soccer practice and everything.....just so much
today it was photo day at school and i had my first soccer practice....
a selfmade joke that will be more funny to some and less to others:
what are the last words of a guy at the customs at an airport who is speaking to a mate on his cell?
answer:yeah i agree that party was the bomb!
like i said some might be able to relate it to something that happened to me....right you'll hear from me later on tomorrow
see ya folks!
Thursday, 19 February 2009
just for the laugh of it
hey guys just a very short update:
today in school someone actually thought switzerland was called switzelvanya well i suppose it is quite creative but it made me laugh anyways.
the other thing was when the business teacher asked who is the biggest employer of the area of newcastle and nobody knew it so he said :"well they just flew over our school" there is a military airport in newcastle and some planes flew by minutes this guy in my class just said: " the navy"
.i don't know if it is funny but it made ME laugh heaps (=a lot).
i think this could be a new category with the best laughs of the day and trust me there is always plenty to laugh about!
greetz from the switzelvanian
today in school someone actually thought switzerland was called switzelvanya well i suppose it is quite creative but it made me laugh anyways.
the other thing was when the business teacher asked who is the biggest employer of the area of newcastle and nobody knew it so he said :"well they just flew over our school" there is a military airport in newcastle and some planes flew by minutes this guy in my class just said: " the navy"
.i don't know if it is funny but it made ME laugh heaps (=a lot).
i think this could be a new category with the best laughs of the day and trust me there is always plenty to laugh about!
greetz from the switzelvanian
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
Fires and Rain, but who is to blame?
Hi guys!
it's been a week with a lot going on in whole of australia. i take it that you've heard about the bushfires that were and some still are mainly in victoria which is not where i live. many people lost their lifes and houses in the fires and it was a horrible thing to happen. and now so short after the fires there are floods pretty close to where i live. i mean can you believe that? fires and floods within a couple of days! here in forster it's pretty much impossible to get floods so it's no problem here. although it does affect your daily habits because you just can't go to the beach or do sports outside and things like that and especially on weekends this is very unlucky. lots of ways to donate money were going on and are still running. at school there were collections and the cricketers auctioned their shirts and all sorts of things like that. for example tomorrow at my school there is a teachers auction so you bid money for a teacher who then is your slave for the day and the money is donated to the victims of the fires. finally it's payback time for some teachers ;-) .
last week not much was on because from thursday on it would just rain pretty much for the whole day. so no golf no beach and no cricket or soccer. so i'll skip the weekend where the only real thing was the win of australia in cricket against the kiwis. on monday it was rotary time in the evening and it was as usual really good and i really enjoy going there because of the people and also because there's always people speaking about something..last monday it was someone from the local council and he spoke about the wetlands nearby and how a couple of years ago there had been so much litter and all sorts of things and the nature was dying and that something had to be done. so he started a project and this is now succeeding and he sounded really confident that he can help the environment by doing this. also i spoke to a guy from rotary called noel and he does deep sea fishing and he said he'll take me out sometime to go fishing for crabs with him. i'm really looking forward to that and hope that maybe some more people from the club will think of showing me their profession. i can go on the boat with him sometime next week or the one after. speaking of fish that was the meal at the meeting and guess what??!!!i liked it!well sorta i didn't love it so don't get too enthusiastic mom ;-)
on tuesday i had a quite special day at school because the captains of the school introduce us at the assembly and i had to go and speak. so on monday evening after rotary i prepared something and thought that it would go okay the next day...but : on tuesday they told me that i should just say something in my language which made the whole thing too easy to be true but hey i didn't complain! i thought of all sorts of things i could say since nobody would understand me but ended up with thanking them for the way that they integrate me in the school life and that they take care of me and so on.....
today was casual wednesday and i went to school for two hours and then headed back home.i watched a bit of NHL and the played some soccer outside but not for very long because it's no fun crossing the ball when you have to go and get it i basically just waited for maddie to come home and since it stopped raining today we played cricket. if it wouldn't have rained the whole time i could've gone to the beach but at them moment the waves are just insane! i don't think it would be good to go out on your own right now.....
as soon as the surf (australian = the sea) calms down a bit i will have two private surf teachers that do some of their courses together with me. i really like that and hope that they succeed in their mission:
making me a surfer(that's their own words!)
so that's pretty much all for the moment.... ah no i signed up for soccer today and training starts next week and i'm really looking forward to that.
coming up:
-thursday : golf and school
- friday : school
-saturday : steve and lisa go to a wedding, maddie and nat stay with grandparents and i stay with a rotarian who has a son in my age
sunday : beach (i hope!)
it's been a week with a lot going on in whole of australia. i take it that you've heard about the bushfires that were and some still are mainly in victoria which is not where i live. many people lost their lifes and houses in the fires and it was a horrible thing to happen. and now so short after the fires there are floods pretty close to where i live. i mean can you believe that? fires and floods within a couple of days! here in forster it's pretty much impossible to get floods so it's no problem here. although it does affect your daily habits because you just can't go to the beach or do sports outside and things like that and especially on weekends this is very unlucky. lots of ways to donate money were going on and are still running. at school there were collections and the cricketers auctioned their shirts and all sorts of things like that. for example tomorrow at my school there is a teachers auction so you bid money for a teacher who then is your slave for the day and the money is donated to the victims of the fires. finally it's payback time for some teachers ;-) .
last week not much was on because from thursday on it would just rain pretty much for the whole day. so no golf no beach and no cricket or soccer. so i'll skip the weekend where the only real thing was the win of australia in cricket against the kiwis. on monday it was rotary time in the evening and it was as usual really good and i really enjoy going there because of the people and also because there's always people speaking about something..last monday it was someone from the local council and he spoke about the wetlands nearby and how a couple of years ago there had been so much litter and all sorts of things and the nature was dying and that something had to be done. so he started a project and this is now succeeding and he sounded really confident that he can help the environment by doing this. also i spoke to a guy from rotary called noel and he does deep sea fishing and he said he'll take me out sometime to go fishing for crabs with him. i'm really looking forward to that and hope that maybe some more people from the club will think of showing me their profession. i can go on the boat with him sometime next week or the one after. speaking of fish that was the meal at the meeting and guess what??!!!i liked it!well sorta i didn't love it so don't get too enthusiastic mom ;-)
on tuesday i had a quite special day at school because the captains of the school introduce us at the assembly and i had to go and speak. so on monday evening after rotary i prepared something and thought that it would go okay the next day...but : on tuesday they told me that i should just say something in my language which made the whole thing too easy to be true but hey i didn't complain! i thought of all sorts of things i could say since nobody would understand me but ended up with thanking them for the way that they integrate me in the school life and that they take care of me and so on.....
today was casual wednesday and i went to school for two hours and then headed back home.i watched a bit of NHL and the played some soccer outside but not for very long because it's no fun crossing the ball when you have to go and get it i basically just waited for maddie to come home and since it stopped raining today we played cricket. if it wouldn't have rained the whole time i could've gone to the beach but at them moment the waves are just insane! i don't think it would be good to go out on your own right now.....
as soon as the surf (australian = the sea) calms down a bit i will have two private surf teachers that do some of their courses together with me. i really like that and hope that they succeed in their mission:
making me a surfer(that's their own words!)
so that's pretty much all for the moment.... ah no i signed up for soccer today and training starts next week and i'm really looking forward to that.
coming up:
-thursday : golf and school
- friday : school
-saturday : steve and lisa go to a wedding, maddie and nat stay with grandparents and i stay with a rotarian who has a son in my age
sunday : beach (i hope!)
Friday, 13 February 2009
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
It's been a week since i've blogged for the last time and i think there are a few things i could write about...
last thursday i went golfing with steve and on the course we met brian from the rotary club so we went along with him. even though i haven't really golfed before i did pick up some things pretty quickly and the golf course still looks the way it did before i i started on hole one. of course i needed lots of patience and it was a bit frustrating sometimes but it's a very nice sport. on saturday it was matthews birthday and he and some friends of him went to port maquirie which is about 1.5 hours away. they did rock climbing and laser tag there and i think he had a good the evening lisa's parents came for dinner and we ate fish and chips and for the non fishies chicken and chips... matthew got a manta which is some sort of really good body board from his parents and he was really happy. of course we tried it out on the same day.on the next day it was swimming carnival at one mile beach and matthew competed with his mates from the local surf live saving club. there were several events and because the waves were rather big it was quite spectacular. on monday i went to rotary and we met at the memorial center in forster and it was good.every rotary meeting there is a little booklet handed out and there is the program of the present and the past meeting inside. but also other things like a page where there always funny things. last monday there were the best true statements george bush made during his period as president. my favorite:
"most of our imports come from outside the country" hom true indeed!!
on tuesday it was one of many cricket days. cricket is pretty much the dominating sport over here and everybody talks about it. at the moment australia is playing a best of 5 series against new zealand and the score is 2-2 and the last game is on friday the 13th...also i signed up for soccer but practice won't start quite yet...
today i got out of school early as always and steve picked me up
and did some things with me. we bought some soccer boots and went to get my key card at the bank so i can collect my pocket money from rotary. we went to commonwealth bank and the lady just couldn't find my account so we tried at the greater bank which is right beside commonwealth and there it all went very quickly...
i also bought some postcard so the promised ones will be sent very soon. in the evening it's always practice day on wednesday so i went with steve to drop natalie for netball and maddie for soccer. the two of us then went to chip some golf balls....
so that's it for the moment...i will post some photos later on
last thursday i went golfing with steve and on the course we met brian from the rotary club so we went along with him. even though i haven't really golfed before i did pick up some things pretty quickly and the golf course still looks the way it did before i i started on hole one. of course i needed lots of patience and it was a bit frustrating sometimes but it's a very nice sport. on saturday it was matthews birthday and he and some friends of him went to port maquirie which is about 1.5 hours away. they did rock climbing and laser tag there and i think he had a good the evening lisa's parents came for dinner and we ate fish and chips and for the non fishies chicken and chips... matthew got a manta which is some sort of really good body board from his parents and he was really happy. of course we tried it out on the same day.on the next day it was swimming carnival at one mile beach and matthew competed with his mates from the local surf live saving club. there were several events and because the waves were rather big it was quite spectacular. on monday i went to rotary and we met at the memorial center in forster and it was good.every rotary meeting there is a little booklet handed out and there is the program of the present and the past meeting inside. but also other things like a page where there always funny things. last monday there were the best true statements george bush made during his period as president. my favorite:
"most of our imports come from outside the country" hom true indeed!!
on tuesday it was one of many cricket days. cricket is pretty much the dominating sport over here and everybody talks about it. at the moment australia is playing a best of 5 series against new zealand and the score is 2-2 and the last game is on friday the 13th...also i signed up for soccer but practice won't start quite yet...
today i got out of school early as always and steve picked me up
and did some things with me. we bought some soccer boots and went to get my key card at the bank so i can collect my pocket money from rotary. we went to commonwealth bank and the lady just couldn't find my account so we tried at the greater bank which is right beside commonwealth and there it all went very quickly...
i also bought some postcard so the promised ones will be sent very soon. in the evening it's always practice day on wednesday so i went with steve to drop natalie for netball and maddie for soccer. the two of us then went to chip some golf balls....
so that's it for the moment...i will post some photos later on
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Hello mates
last time i was speaking about school so this time i'll do it again...i present my favourite questions i've been asked at school:
- You don't have chicken in Switzerland do you?(i still don't understand why we shouldn't....)
Staying with animals:
- Do you have giraffs in switzerland?(i think he mixed up continents....)
- Do you live near the coast in Switzerland?
- Switzerland is the island outside of europe isn't it?
- You are Swiss right?(I answered yes....)So how is it in Sweden?
- Do you have the midnight sun in Switzerland?
- Geneva is the capital right?(no....)ahh right it's zurich(the french teacher must know i suggest we might change it for her....)
- Can you walk to spain from switzerland?(yep you can...i mean theoretically)
i forgot some i'm sure but i thought i can't keep these to myself....
school has been pretty good especially today(i finish at 11 on wednesday).
monday there are always rotary meetings and that's always funny. this monday we went bowling but not normal ten pin bowling. you bowl on a lawn and you throw a little white ball first, just like in boulle... then you have bigger ones that are heavier on one side so you roll them and they curve slowly to one side.... it's quite hard but it was fun. this is a typical sport that retired people do(i drive by with the school bus everyday twice).
Today it was matthew's soccer practice and i went with him and played on the field for a bit. my soccer team starts training next week. what else.....?? on saturday it's matthews birthday and he makes some sort of party where we go to ahhh some place nearby and do climbing and i think something like laser tag or so....
i'm slowly starting to know some names at school which is rather helpful because i hate it when i don't know anybodies name...
one more thing i just thought of... since i'm not the only one that gets to go out of school early on wednesdays there is a rule that you need a leave school pass. i got that and on that it says that you will do things for school at home during the rest of the time. some people came to school with their surfboard under their much for studying! well i think that's all....didier cuche is just winning the super-g.....yay!hope he does it!
last time i was speaking about school so this time i'll do it again...i present my favourite questions i've been asked at school:
- You don't have chicken in Switzerland do you?(i still don't understand why we shouldn't....)
Staying with animals:
- Do you have giraffs in switzerland?(i think he mixed up continents....)
- Do you live near the coast in Switzerland?
- Switzerland is the island outside of europe isn't it?
- You are Swiss right?(I answered yes....)So how is it in Sweden?
- Do you have the midnight sun in Switzerland?
- Geneva is the capital right?(no....)ahh right it's zurich(the french teacher must know i suggest we might change it for her....)
- Can you walk to spain from switzerland?(yep you can...i mean theoretically)
i forgot some i'm sure but i thought i can't keep these to myself....
school has been pretty good especially today(i finish at 11 on wednesday).
monday there are always rotary meetings and that's always funny. this monday we went bowling but not normal ten pin bowling. you bowl on a lawn and you throw a little white ball first, just like in boulle... then you have bigger ones that are heavier on one side so you roll them and they curve slowly to one side.... it's quite hard but it was fun. this is a typical sport that retired people do(i drive by with the school bus everyday twice).
Today it was matthew's soccer practice and i went with him and played on the field for a bit. my soccer team starts training next week. what else.....?? on saturday it's matthews birthday and he makes some sort of party where we go to ahhh some place nearby and do climbing and i think something like laser tag or so....
i'm slowly starting to know some names at school which is rather helpful because i hate it when i don't know anybodies name...
one more thing i just thought of... since i'm not the only one that gets to go out of school early on wednesdays there is a rule that you need a leave school pass. i got that and on that it says that you will do things for school at home during the rest of the time. some people came to school with their surfboard under their much for studying! well i think that's all....didier cuche is just winning the super-g.....yay!hope he does it!
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