Wednesday, 25 February 2009

so here's the promised post

last week the weather finally changed and on the weekend it was nice beachy weather. on saturday i went to a guy from the rotary club. his name is john daniells and he is a locksmith. when i arrived at his house at 11 he was just beginning to work on the rotary trailer. the rotary trailer is pretty small and has advertising on its sides and there are some things from rotary in it. in forster rotary offers a car market which means that if you want to sell your car or boat or whatever you can park it somewhere with loads of other cars so instead of waiting for someone to see you vehicle at your place you park it there. the trailer has advertising for that on it but the car market changed location so we had to remove the old advertising and put on the new one. john has a sign writing machine so we designed the new labels and put them on after taking the old ones of. this took quite while so in the evening his son came home. he was paint balling for the day with some mates. we watched a movie and the next day at noon steve picked me up. they said that the wedding had been good.
on sunday i went to the beach with matty and did like two hours of body boarding. the waves were alright but nothing special...
on monday it was rotary night and we ate at the coastal patrol rescue. it's not like a lighthouse it's not as thin but also not as high.... there we ate barby and had a great desert : apple crisp, yummmy!!
i took some really nice pictures of the harbour at night with my mobile but i dont have a cable to upload them so that will have to wait...
on tuesday it was photo day at school and everyone had to make a picture and i thought that you would also make a group picture but unfortunately the group photo is just put together from all the singles. i ordered the group and some single photos and i'll post them as soon as i get them. then in the evening i went to my first soccer practice and it was really good. i already knew like seven players from school so it wasn't hard getting into it. in march the pre-season program starts and we play games all over the place. on the 28th we play in coffs harbour which is like 3.5 hours away. we're going with a bus.
today i went to school for two hours and i'm seriously asking myself if it is worth going on wednesdays.... it's matty's soccer practice tonight so i will go drop him off and then go chipping a bit with steve.... this weekend two of my mates from school will start teaching me how to surf. i'm really looking forward to that!!

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