hey fellas
my last post was just before rotary so thats where i'm gonna start off... it was a really good meeting last week because we started a roster where everyone puts their name down and then i go to their house on wednesday and eat with them. on wednesdays nobody is home so thats a very good thing i thought....
on tuesday it was soccer but it wasnt too special so i'll move on to wednesday when i went to eat at steve wines' house. it was really good and i had really delicious food. on thursday i went golfing with steve and i'm getting better every time.... i still really like it and think that its too bad i cant play in switzerland....
on friday i went to sydney for a school excursion. we left at 4.45 in the morning so i was up really early. we got to sydney at about 9.30. on the way we stopped somewhere to get some breaky n rest for a bit... in sydney we had some time for shopping. there was this huge mall and so many stores were there. after shopping we went to see a play called "Away". it takes place during the late 1960's and is all about the australian families getting struck by the victims caused by war in vietnam ( or is it vietnam??).
well the play was alright and after that we headed back home. on saturday i went to the beach for a bit and played soccer with some friends. after that i went to a barby at ben's house. always on saturdays there is a barby at his place so thats a good thing to do. on sunday i went to the beach pretty early in the morning and the waves were quite big. i could hardly get out without being washed right back in..... so i didnt stay in very long and went home, had some breaky and went back with my camera. the pictures are below this post.
then this monday it was rotary at bunnings which is a warehouse with heaps o tools n stuff so kinda like do it yourself in switzerland xept it was heaps bigger. so we had a barby there and then had a little tour around the place by one of the workers. on special thing was that they offer courses. so if you want to learn how to paint a wall properly or anythin like that you check the list and then it says: saturday 28th of december, 11 am. so you would just go there and they would have a workshop for free and if you want to you can buy all the materials after that. so that was monday.
yesterday it was very windy and rained heaps. the surf was soo big that hardly anyone went out. at one point the waves reached more than 6 meters. imagine that dropin towards ya..... in the evening it was soccer practice. obviously it rained so we played a test match against the men's side of our club and got beat 4-2. i did alright but without glasses, darkness and heavy rain i had heaps of trouble sometimes.... i played striker and i think i did alright. i scored a goal but yeah i hope i will do better on saturday when we have a trial game against some other team over here in tuncurry (during the day!!)....i got so soaked that the water didnt even stay on me or my clothes but ran right down my body. i think i know now what it feels like to play in the english premier league...
well and now its wednesday and i just came home from school.... i get off at 11 as always. it's raining very heavily and not so far away there are quite serious floods....tonight i might go and stay at paddy burn's house for dinner but i havent heard anything yet from him but hey welcome to australia!
oh yeah one thing: about two weeks ago tony hawk was in tuncurry at the skate park. tony is like the best skater ever in the world.he didnt announce his visit so i didnt know about it and missed him. still about 200 people were there to watch him.
alright i think that raps it about up for the moment..... i'm going golfing for the last time tomorrow if the weather allows it. and on saturday i have that trial game. then the week after its last days before holidays. i'm planning to go and see mika from finnland up in port maquirie. i would probably go up by bs it takes about 1.5 hours....
hope your all having a good time because i sure am!!
have a good one!
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
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Hey Dave, take some courses in welding - you can show me when you get back... we are rebuilding the mobile home. No courses required for that just heaps of work! Take care mate! D.