Sunday 26 April 2009

When holidays end and school is still very easy :-)

Hello everyone

my blog has got the shape that i will leave it in i the way: sometimes there will now be a poll on the side of the posts. if you want to you can chose your answer it will not affect you in any way it will just record your answer and show you what the others voted.
well the holidays are slowly but surely ending...on wednesday it's back to school.last few days i haven't been doing too much. usually just hangin at brad's or ben's house... yesterday i was at ben's saturday night barbie and then after i went to jack's place for the night. today the surf has finally calmed down so the mission "get david on that surfboard" can start. i called up the local surf shop and they told me that surf lessons are over but that their instructor will call me up tomorrow so that we can arrange a private lesson or something. also i will probably soon get the surfboard i was promised by the guy that i only know that he was a heaps good surfer once but dont even know his name....
so now what i'm doing is waiting for jack to text me and then we're gonna go for a kick on the soccer fields...
if anything spectacular happens i'll let y'all know but right now it's pure relaxing and enjoying.

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