Thursday 14 May 2009

Why golfing and contact lenses arent too different after all

Hello everybody!
last time you heard of me i was about to go to port macquarie to visit my friend mika who is from finnlan. i went up on thursday afternoon on a bus with about 10 seats so it was very cozy and about two hours later i was in port with mika. we went to buy a dvd for the evening and then we watched it. it's called "you dont mess with the zohan".
in port i stayed with mika's hosts called bob and jan. they are really nice people and i had a very nice time staying in their apartment.
on friday mika had to go to school but before i went to rotary breakfast at his rotary club with him and it was very good. pan cakes and scrambled eggs...mhhmmm was delicious!also i met a guy called peter grob who is a swiss living in port since 30 years.  after that mika went to school for the first part of the morning until he came to have lunch with bob and jan and me. after went to the center of port and mika caught up with some mates so it was god for me to also meet some new people. in the evening we went to a mates house. saturday was really rainy so we didnt get up to too much but it was good anyways...
sunday was mother's day and it was quite special. we went for a drive and it was nice but still very rainy. we went to a lookout and then went for some burgers and fish n chips.
monday morning i left port at 7 a.m. and went to school around 10.30. rotary in the evening was normal and tuesday was soccer as always. on the weekend my soccer team had won again on saturday so we are now top of the table and looking forward to defending our lead on saturday.
yesterday i went golfing with paddy burn from my rotary club and it was the first time for quite a while and it went very well and i was quite pleased. still it is one of the most frustrating things....
then today i had an appointment with the optometrist in the morning and he started to show me how to put in the contact lenses and putting them in went alright but taking them out...a disaster. it isnt easy and i knew that already before but i felt like i didnt get anywhere so after a while i got another appointment later in the day after school. so i went back to school with the contacts in and it was very good. then after school i went again and i got alot closer but still am unable to remove them so he took the out and we made another appointment. so overall i am very happy with the result but also awfully frustrating. just like golf :-)
so now i am at home, my eyes are really really sore from all that trying out with the lenses and the weekend is now surely coming closer.
on saturday like i said i have a soccer game and then in the evening i'm going to bens for a barby as always. then on sunday i have told my rotary club that i would help them with their "rotary motor martket" where people who want to sell something with a motor and then other people come and have a look at it so you can bring it there instead of just have your car standing in your front yard.
i am still looking for something as the aussie specialty of the week and am confident that i will find something.


  1. aye dav-o... keep practising...are you sure there is no sweet shop assistant at the optometrist, that you just really have to have as an aid???

  2. haha yeah i'm quite sure :-)
    the guy that works there has probs lost his nerves over me eyes were so read i can tell ya!
