hello dear swiss fellows
i know that you all want to see pictures and that i've promised some several times but i have to tell you that i will not post any today which means they will be posted when it's pretty late at night or already morning in switzerland.
yesterday evening i went to the rotary meeting at the forster centre.i was introduced to all the members and forgot the name of the one i was introduced to before while being introduced to the next but thats the human brain i guess...the meeting was all about the preparation of the food tent next monday on australia day.rotary sells sausages and hamburgers and thins there and then all the profit is paid to the city of forster which will use it to help the surf club or something...i help there aswell and i hope i'll understand what the people order although i understand them pretty well till now.after the talking we went to eat in a restaurant.i had chicken hawai.not very brave i know but it was good anyway.
i went to nine mile beach with the mcgarrigles today and tried surfing on a body board.it worked pretty good and the waves were rather big.i also learnt that if you go over a wave you don't close your eyes until you've seen if there's another one coming right after(yes you get all the salt water up your nose otherwise). well anyways we spent some time at the beach and then we went to the house of the mcgarrigles. they have a nice house and they showed me the room i'll be staying in from tomorrow on. i'm leaving my counsellors house tomorrow morning.
after that i watched a period of an nhl game on tv and then we went to a view point which is called cape hawk. i was able to make some nice pics but as you know they'll appear later on.
after that i played soccer with "maddie" matthew outside and had to admit that either he is quite good or i'm not that good or just too old for that sport.
so then i'll post some pictures tomorrow i hope and then everybody will be happy :)
oh yeah and to all those hwo wrote me an email i will answer tomorrow probably so don't get frustrated :)
and then there's a last but definatley not least to be told thing: i'm going to sidney with the mcgarrigles on friday for two or three days.