Saturday, 31 January 2009

Worming,School and a Quiz

Well it's my first weekend after school in australia and it feels really good that i don't have to go to school tomorrow - not like in switzerland. on thursday i went to normal classes and it was pretty good. business studies is my favorite and modern history well uhmmm not my favorite....that evening i went "worming" with Matthew and Steve. here people go worming on the beach because they need them for fishing. i thought i could take and post some fotos....

Here's one of a thousand that we caught....nah we only caught one
you sweep dead fish around in the water....
.......and then they stick their heads out
.....and then you grab them with ehm "zange"

and here's the quiz:
in a subject at school a teacher explained something as twa.......what could that be?a hint: look at my list of chosen subjects. the one who writes the correct answer first as a comment gets an australian postcard! well i hope it's not too easy


  1. easy one: toi.... danke für d charte... ;-)

  2. easy too: trois...
    Wir feuen uns über Deine Karte

  3. wääää, hab ich erst jetzt gesehen, ist das das "würmchen" auf dem ersten bild???

    eine karte krieg ich aber trotzdem, oder??? hast noch 3 tage zeit ;-)

  4. ja ihr kriegt beide eine karte!unglaublich dass die nicht mal trois mit r lernen oder??!!!musste lachen

  5. Gar nicht unglaublich..habe schliesslich in England A-level Klassen in Franzi unterrichtet. Il me semble que to ne doi pas twawailai twou.
    Omami freut sich sehr auf die Karte, die ich gerne für sie verdient habe.
