Sunday, 18 January 2009

Today i was in the city of forster for the first all looked really nice and not too big which is rather good.i saw dolphins and pelicans at the beach and ate some ice cream.i met my first host family today and they seemed really nice.
i should have taken my camera with me but i didn't remember to.there will be plety of opurtunities to take pictures and maybe i'll take some tomorrow and then i'l post them in the evening.
I ate barbeque dinner today with the son of my counsellor and he was really nice.
i'm looking forward to spending some time at the beach tomorrow and after that i'll post pictures. i promise :)


  1. Vill spass am strand!!
    Hüt hänmer rundi gha...mir hän gege leimetal 0:4 verlore... drfür hän mir aarau mit 7:0 abegloh!!!! ;-)
    lg raoul

  2. also, wäge em fotiapparat.... föttele bitte ALLES und ALLI ;-). nümm vergässe...

    säg mol, hend ihr d zitt wie in brisbane oder wie in sydney, konkret: wieviel stund veruss? i bi verwirrt ;-)

  3. ...und nid vergässe am strand: keini hai füettere...

  4. @ raoul
    nid schlecht jetzt gsehtsw nit schlecht fuer platz 4 us oder?

    @ mom
    mir hend sidney time
    mis skype goht nid willi kei adapter ha zum der laptop lade

  5. schlecht vorbereitet...würdi säge... ;-), gang schnell facebook!
